Apply Visa, Legalization & Apostille Services to Belarus
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Year by year, the Republic of Belarus enjoys increasing popularity and has been the interest to foreigners as a country with rich history, amazingly beautiful nature, and fast-developing businesses. In connection therewith, a significant number of foreigners decide to visit Belarus for closer acquaintance with its traditions, culture, and social customs.
The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Republic of Belarus” dated January 4, 2010 provides that “…a foreigner may enter and exit the Republic of Belarus, and travel in transit throughout the territory of Belarus only with a foreign travel document (a valid passport or a replacement document) at availability of a visa to the Republic of Belarus unless the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus or a decree of the President of the State provide otherwise”.
The list of documents required in order to obtain a visa to Belarus
Visa types
An entry visa to Belarus as stipulated for foreigners may be of the types as follows:
Besides, the entry visa may be:
It entitles to a single entry, stay and exit from the Republic of Belarus within the period specified in the visa and within a specified number of days of stay, but not more than 90 days.
It entitles to a double entry, stay and exit from the Republic of Belarus for the period specified and within a specified number of days of stay, but not more than 90 days.
It entitles to the numerous (more than 2 times) entries, stays and exits from the Republic of Belarus for the period specified and within the number of days of stay as specified in the entry visa, but not more than 90 days per year.
Visas may also be individual or group ones.
Who makes a decision on granting a visa?
A consular officer makes a decision on granting or denying an entry visa within 5 working days from the moment of submission of documents (as a matter of urgency — within 2 working days). Their decision shall be final, and they are not obliged to indicate the reasons for visa denial.
It is important to keep in mind that in the event of visa denial the consular fee will not be reimbursed.
Attention! In case there is no Belarussian embassy or consular office in the country of residence of a foreign citizen, an entry visa may be issued to him/her upon arrival to the Minsk National Airport.
Particulars of visa issuance at the Minsk National Airport
At the Minsk National Airport, the entry visa requests are processed by the Division for the Admission of Foreigners of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter the DAF).
In order to receive a short-term or a long-term visa at the Minsk National Airport, a foreigner must submit visa support documents to the DAF no later than 2 days prior to the expected arrival date.
If the reason for travel of a foreign citizen is a serious illness or death of a close relative or family member, then his/her visa support documents may be submitted and considered directly on the arrival date as a matter of urgency.
Visa support documents will be accepted at the DAF information desk: sector 1 or 2 of the airport, ground floor; 10.30 to 16.30 on weekdays.
Besides, visa support documents may be sent by post to the following address: DAF, Minsk National Airport area, Republic of Belarus, 220054.
For detailed information, you may contact the DAF employees:
phone numbers: 8 (017) 279-20-58, 8 (017) 279-28-72;
Short-term visas for educational purposes will be issued only in case of presence at the Minsk National Airport of a representative of the organization that has issued an invitation satisfying the legislative requirements.
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